So, what’s all included in the bundled monthly price?
- Dedicated Social Media Account Manager [SMAM] –
Professionally trained in both Advertising + Graphic Design
- Management of your professional social platforms* – Facebook and/or Instagram business pages
- Schedule consultations for when it works for you – Saturday at 11 am or Thursday at 8 pm? No problem; our Designers have the flexibility of working anywhere, anytime and are flexible with client call schedules to help ease your busy workload.
*Your business accounts will always remain yours; we help you co-manage them and learn your voice to mirror posts you’d like posted. However, you can pick when and if you help contribute to the account. Easy!
- Creative Timeline + Story Content
You + your business are unlike any other – and we want to give it the personalized love it deserves! After purchase, a SMAM will reach out + learn more about you with our comprehensive guide that we will go over with you in-depth.
*One major thing to note that we are pride ourselves in:
All content is personalized to your + your business. The content we custom create for you, informative articles we share, and other content posted will always be applicable to the audience you’re intending to reach.*
- How often will you post on my business account?
[note: social platforms recommend 4-7+ timeline posts each week for optimal SEO]
Your choice of:
The Blooming Package: 4+ timeline posts & 12+ story posts / week
The Blossomed Package: 7+ timeline posts & 21+ story posts / week
- Can you launch advertising campaigns for me?
Yes- we encourage it! Your budget is completely up to you + unlike other companies, we don’t take a fee when doing so, and just charge the the amount of the campaign. Your SMAM will send you easy-to-read numbers + stats for your intended market after your initial Welcome Talk. They’ll be able to go over business specifics, social media platform comparisons, and answer any questions you may have.
- How do I get in touch with my SMAM?
- Unlimited email and text message support
- Up to of 2 hours phone consultations // creative strategy time set aside each month with your SMAM – option to make this a video chat!
- Schedule consultations for when it works for you
- I have both Instagram + Facebook business pages, do I need to pay for management of both?
If you’d like the same content posted to both your Instagram & your Facebook pages, we can do that! We offer cross-over posting + shared content between the two.
If you’d like different content posted to both your Instagram & your Facebook pages, we can do that! We offer full plan management of the two.